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over the course of the semester i have learned so much. i learned that i love taking pictures. this class was really enjoyable for me in the fact that this class taught me a lot. i learned about photoshop and taking pictures with good composition. this class was a time for work, but also a nice class where i could relax if i was feeling stressed about other things. i think my favorite project over the semester was my practice project with action photography. i think the pictures turned out great, but i still had the chance to use photoshop with them and learn from my mistakes of lighting and coloring issues. i also really enjoyed doing my final project with my friends and promoting it to people at school. i would say the project was successful in showing that we received a sufficient amount of followers. i also learned that you can't procrastinate in this class, it is best to finish everything as soon as you can. which is also something you should take into account with other classes. i also learned so much about the camera itself, i had to start taking pictures in the program setting, but now i know enough about settings that i can take pictures in the manual setting. i would defiantly recommend this class to anyone considering it, as the class challenges you, but also gives you a time to be stress free at school. i will really miss having the time at school to take pictures instead of being stuck in a classroom all day long.

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